Should You Consider a Hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a woman’s uterus and sometimes the cervix. Unless it involves cancer, a hysterectomy is usually only performed after other treatments haven’t worked. The procedure used to involve a large incision in the abdomen, but now it can be performed with a much smaller incision or no incision at all thanks to robotic surgery.

When you come to the Advanced Endometriosis Center in Hackensack, New Jersey, or New York City, Ulas Bozdogan, MD, will give you a thorough evaluation and discuss if a hysterectomy is right for you. If it is, he’ll discuss the amazing benefits of the da Vinci® surgical system. Because it uses high-definition lenses and has special instruments that can bend and rotate better than the human hand, procedures performed with the da Vinci system are far more precise than traditional surgery. While it’s a great choice for many, it’s not right for everyone. 

Reasons to consider a hysterectomy

If you have cancer of the uterus or cervix, then they may need to be removed with a hysterectomy. There are also other issues that may require a hysterectomy, including:

Alternatives to a hysterectomy

While Dr. Bozdogan is a hysterectomy specialist, he’s also an expert at performing alternative treatments. For example, endometriosis can be treated with hormonal birth control. He may also be able to perform laparoscopic surgery. Both options may allow you to get pregnant in the future, which would be impossible if you got a hysterectomy. 

If you have fibroids, they may shrink after menopause, so Dr. Bozdogan may suggest that you wait and see if they shrink. Alternatively, fibroids can also be eliminated with laparoscopic surgery or by heating them up and cutting off their blood supply, which can cause them to shrink and die. 

And if you suffer from uterine prolapse, Kegel exercises can increase muscle tone and keep the uterus in place. No matter what’s affecting you, Dr. Bozdogan will give you a thorough evaluation and design a plan that’s ideal for you.

To learn more about what’s involved in a hysterectomy and whether or not it’s right for you, book an appointment online or over the phone with Advanced Endometriosis Center today.

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